Electricity is all around you, no matter where you go. As long as your outlets and devices work, most people do not pay attention to the intricacies and complexities that make up their home’s electrical system. A dirty porch, broken tile, or loose door handle is more readily understood by homeowners as a quick fix to improve their home’s beauty, function, and appeal. Today, we will discuss some electrical updates that might have flown under the radar but can provide a definite improvement in your quality of life and help you realize how much better your electrical system could have been.

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Outlet Placement
In most homes, outlets were installed well before the current owner ever stepped foot on the property, meaning their location was not chosen with the homeowner’s design in mind. Outlets randomly placed in the middle of a wall can ruin an otherwise seamless paint or wallpaper design, and outlet placement can make a world of difference in both beauty and function. Outlets can be installed on a baseboard instead of the wall itself, hiding them and keeping them closer to the ground so your devices do not dangle. Outlets can also be installed strategically behind certain electronics, such as a mounted TV or computer system. Installing outlets directly behind a device lessens the distance wires have to travel and keeps them out of your view.

Smart Upgrades
There are a wide variety of smart upgrades that we have talked about on this blog. The most well-known smart electrical upgrade is automatic lighting. Automatic lighting eliminates the need to ever worry about whether or not you left your lights on. You can also customize times that lights turn on or off, have lights turn on immediately upon sensing movement, and keep track of the lighting in your home through an app on your phone. Connecting more and more of your house to a central electronic monitoring app can give you unparalleled control over all areas of your home. Many fans, blinds, and shades come in smart varieties, allowing you to cool down a room or block the sun with a simple push of a button. Connecting everything to an energy monitoring app will enable you to figure out where your family is doing well and where you can strive to be more efficient. These systems are sometimes available through your energy provider as an incentive for the homeowner to lessen their energy usage.

Every hurricane season, we stress the importance of having a generator in the home. Generators are a straightforward way to ensure your home is powered and protected no matter the circumstance. Portable generators allow you to provide power to targeted areas of the home or power devices like phone chargers, but we also recommend a backup generator connected to your electrical system. They will kick on automatically when your electricity goes out, ensuring no delay in regaining the power to your fridge or lights. Don’t wait until the day before a major storm to prepare a generator. Being prepared early reduces hassle and headaches.

EV Charging Stations
If you purchased an electric vehicle in 2022, you’ll want to call Promise Electric today to discuss the installation of a home EV charging station. There are few electrical upgrades that will make your life easier or more streamlined – after all, who wants to wait in line at a public charging station when they can get a full charge at home while they sleep?

Electrical upgrades, even those that seem simple, require skill and knowledge to be installed correctly and safely. If you are considering upgrading your electrical system, planning ahead and scheduling many upgrades simultaneously will reduce the time installers have to be in your home to renovate rooms.

Promise Electric provides residential and commercial electrical services to Sarasota area homes and businesses. Call today to learn more about how we can help with your home improvement projects.