Since early this year, most Florida residents’ electric costs have been higher than average. Florida regulatory agencies gave utility companies leeway to increase prices after they faced rising costs for natural gas and additional costs associated with hurricane damage. These situations highlight how important it is for homeowners to upgrade to energy-efficient systems and minimize electricity when possible. Today, we will discuss some of the easiest ways Florida homeowners can shave cost off their monthly energy bill without sacrificing comfort during this particularly rough summer.

electric costs in Sarasota

How Florida Homeowners Can Combat Rising Electric Costs

Florida homeowners can have greater control over their finances when they learn some of the ways they are inadvertently increasing their power bill and the remedies to fix it.

Tip #1 – Make Use Of Technological Upgrades

Humans tend to stick with what they know, but not moving out of your comfort zone regarding electrical system upgrades might be causing you to leave serious money on the table. Almost every aspect of your home’s electrical system – whether it be lights, cooling, or water heating – has improved during the previous decades. If you just moved into an older home or haven’t invested in newer technologies for your house, you might be able to start saving big.

To start, we recently wrote about the federal ban on incandescent bulbs and the energy-saving opportunities that newer bulbs can bring. LEDs have an order of magnitude longer lifespan and, over time, are sure to save you money on your monthly lighting bill. Using automatic and motion-activated lighting can also help you minimize the time lights are on when not needed.

AC units have also undergone extensive redesigns and improvements that increased their SEER rating, a measure of how energy efficient they are at removing heat from indoor areas. Compared to older models, newer ACs can heat a home using 50% less energy. Due to their upfront cost, new ACs might not be the perfect fit for every home, but our electricians can help you decide what is right for your situation during a home energy audit.

Tip #2 – Natural Lighting

You live in the Sunshine State – you should put some of it to good use! Not only does natural lighting help save you money on your electrical costs, but it can also transform an indoor space and give it a new, revitalizing atmosphere. While lighting is one of the lowest contributors to your overall bill, Florida residents are uniquely situated to capitalize on their location to lessen their monthly energy costs.

Tip #3 – Don’t Forget About Water

Heating water is one of the most energy-intensive activities in your home, but most people are prone to using more hot water than is needed. While most people immediately think of showers, hot water is also used by various appliances in your home, like some models of washing machines and dishwashers. We don’t recommend you stop using these appliances or taking showers, but being mindful of their usage (and not leaving a shower running for fifteen minutes before you step in) can lead to unexpected savings and lower overall energy usage for most households.

Tip #4 – Unplug Idle Devices

Even when turned off, devices and appliances draw power and run up your energy usage. The easiest way to combat this additional usage is plugging most devices into power strips that can turn off the flow of electricity with a simple button press. TVs and computers are the biggest culprits of idle energy usage in US homes.

If you have identified areas of your home that need upgrades or want an opinion on the state of your electrical system, contact Promise Electric today. Our team of master electricians provides expert service to residential and commercial customers across the Sarasota region.