If you are new to South Florida, you have likely heard all kinds of stories about hurricanes. You’ve seen the images on the news, seen the devastation that hurricane can leave in its wake, then you may have also heard locals dismissing the risk, having lived through hundreds of hurricanes in their lifetime without incident.

The truth about hurricanes is that of course, they are powerful forces of nature which are not to be trifled with. Still, if you are prepared for the various scenarios which may occur during one of these storms, you can ensure that you and your family remain safe and comfortable. Here are a few frequently asked questions regarding our most notorious storms – and hurricane statistics you may want to learn.

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Hurricane Statistics and Facts

  1. When is hurricane season? In Florida, the first day of hurricane season is June 1, and the season is considered to be over on November 30. Of course, hurricanes may form earlier or later than these dates, but the majority of tropical activity occurs during these times. Historically, the most active month for these storms is September.
  2. How many hurricanes have hit Florida? Since hurricanes have been recorded in the mid 1800s, approximately 500 named storms have hit the state. Florida is the most frequently affected region during hurricane season, although because of the size of the state, one region may be devastated and another not touched. Since 1851, only 18 years were recorded to have no tropical cyclone activity to land in Florida.
  3. How do I know if I should be preparing for an imminent hurricane? When a hurricane is headed for the region, you will know. Every news source and everyone you know will be talking about it. Because of advanced technology, we are now aware of a hurricanes activities and path for weeks prior to it reaching the United States. Still, hurricanes can be very unpredictable, so even if it looks as if it is heading elsewhere, a Sarasota resident should always be prepared.
  4. How do I prepare for a hurricane? At the start of hurricane season, every household should prepare a hurricane kit to have on hand. This will prevent you from having to rush out at the last minute and battle thousands of people for supplies. FEMA has outlined a recommended hurricane preparedness kit which includes a gallon of water per day per family member, non-perishable food, batteries and flashlights, medications and pet supplies, first aid kits, cell phone chargers, and copies of important personal documents.
  5. Do I have to evacuate if there is a hurricane? It is best to listen for official recommendations regarding necessary evacuations. Of course, it is always a matter of personal choice and comfort level. Generally, evacuations are not ordered for a category 3 (or less) storm, except for coastal areas and mobile home parks. Shelters will be identified if you do not wish to stay home. IF you do decide to leave, have extra gasoline and a destination planned.
  6. How can I prepare my home? Most Florida homes are built to withstand major storms. The obvious weak points are doors and windows, so installing hurricane shutters is a great way to protect the interior of your home. All Florida homeowners are required to carry hurricane insurance if they have a mortgage on your home, so you are likely protected from a coverage standpoint. However, even the strongest home becomes exceptionally uncomfortable -and even dangerously hot – if the power is knocked out for any period of time. This is why so many Sarasota homeowners are now considering purchasing generators to protect their home.

How Generators Protect Your Family

After a major hurricane, power outages are the most common repercussion residents are left dealing with. Sometimes those outages can last for weeks. Standby generators allow you to not only cool your home and prevent mold growth, but to save your food, run your medical devices, and keep your cell phones charged and ready. Promise Electric is the area’s leading certified dealer of standby and portable generators which can help your family to withstand any storm – call us today to learn how affordable owning your own standby power can be.