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Generator Installation 101

Portable generators can easily be stored and set up in an emergency. However, homeowners can also permanently install a generator, which is more extensive than simply purchasing a new dryer or dishwasher. Generator installation involves a process that takes a bit of planning and time.

Humidity and Your Electrical System

Humidity doesn't only cause discomfort to humans, but it is not ideal to have anywhere in your home—humidity can ruin paint, rust metal, and significantly affect your home’s electrical system.

Buying a New Home? Watch Out!

Buying a new house can be a stressful experience, no matter how quickly or seamlessly the process goes for you. Though you may be eager to find a place as fast as possible, don’t let your haste cloud your judgment. After all, repainting walls is relatively inexpensive, but replacing electrical components or diagnosing electrical issues in a new home can add up.