Electrical Maintenance for Landlords
While some landlords are well versed in the laws and regulations surrounding rental properties, many homeowners may not be.
While some landlords are well versed in the laws and regulations surrounding rental properties, many homeowners may not be.
A commercial builder, whether renovating or building new construction, needs to choose the right commercial electrician for a successful project.
While switches look the same once the face plate is installed, the 4 basic types of electrical switches function differently on the inside.
If you are a Florida homeowner considering security lights, look for a WP (weatherproof) or WR (weather resistant) rating. That's the first step.
Choosing the best lighting means learning about the different types of available light bulbs, and how they are best utilized in different types of spaces.
Rodents that infiltrate your home can chew through electrical wires, resulting in potentially dangerous and costly damage.
Lighting can significantly change the ambiance of a room. Recessed lighting is characterized by lights set inside of a ceiling or wall.
An easement allows someone other than the property owner the right to access or cross over the land. Utility easements are common on residential property.
Outdated wiring can cause many issues in the home, including frequently tripped circuits or blown fuses leaving you without power.
A professional home energy audit may be the most precise way for you to determine the reality of your family's energy consumption.