Electricity is extremely important for normal household function. Even if we start to take it for granted, we are quickly reminded of its importance during power outages when we need to figure out how to go about our day without it for a time. Since we coexist so closely with electricity, it’s important to practice safety around electrical fixtures in and around your home.  Here are some of the most common electrical safety issues you may face in your normal life.

eletrical safety issues

Electrical Cords
Damaged electrical cords can cause massive destruction if not found and repaired. They could shock you when you grab them, or short circuit and cause a fire. It’s a good practice to check your charges, plugs, and other cords regularly so that you can catch damage early on. You can help prevent damage by pulling on the plug housing of your cords as opposed to the cord itself when removing them from outlets.

There’s a reason electrical outlets have only one or two spots for a plug. Overloading the outlets with too many extensions and power strips can cause them to get so hot that they melt the rubber coating and expose the wires, which can then short circuit and cause a fire. Keep pets and children from sticking their limbs or any objects into the outlets, as this can shock them. All water should also be kept away from outlets–as most adults understand, water and electricity are fatal when mixed. Be particularly careful around outlets situated on kitchen counters near the sink.

Unplugging is Safest
Whenever you are doing any sort of cleaning or repairs on your electrical appliances, be sure to unplug them. Even when they are turned off, there is still electricity flowing into them which can be dangerous if mishandled. If you ever notice one of your appliances is sparking or otherwise not working, unplug it immediately to prevent further damage. If a breaker trips, unplug your appliances before fiddling in the control box to prevent surges.

Outside Your Home
Electrical safety issues aren’t limited only to the inside of your house. Here are some of the outdoor issues you’ll want to address to keep your home and family safe.

  • Don’t fly kites or other toys like drones around power lines, as hitting them can damage the wire, electrocute yourself or others, or affect the delivery of power to your house. Items tangled on live electrical wires can catch flame and cause surrounding areas to burn.
  • Seek shelter during thunderstorms–while unlikely, lightning can strike you if you are exposed outdoors.
  • Wear proper personal protection equipment when operating electrical tools such as an electric lawn mower or saw. Close-toed shoes, thick pants, and gloves are important.
  • You should also never operate electrical equipment when it’s raining.
  • If you are digging in your yard, have your local entities mark out where any buried electrical wires are located so that you don’t hit them. Exercise similar caution when using tall tools like a pole cutter or ladder near wires.
  • If you come across a downed power line, report it immediately to your local police. All downed wires should be treated as if you know they are live–stay away from them, and avoid any puddles or streams of water that the wire may be touching.

Promise Electric provides residential and commercial eletrcial services to the Sarasota area.