With tropical storm Isaias spinning off the coast of Florida, the thoughts of many residents once again turn to the possibility of power outages and property damage. If you have experienced a major storm event  in the Sarasota area, you know how quickly necessary resources can be depleted.

Getting your hands on a generator after a major disaster is nearly impossible, and even finding necessary fuel for a generator you own may prove impossible. How can you best ensure that your home has power and stays cool? Acquire a portable generator beforehand. portable generator
There are two main types of generators which homeowners can purchase. The most reliable option is to have a generator installed permanently at your home. These generators are built on concrete slabs and are connected to the electrical panel of your home, allowing the generator to automatically kick in and support selected systems and appliances, such as your air conditioning and refrigeration. However, this type of installation requires planning and permits, and August is likely too late in the season to begin planning to have protection for late season storms.

The more likely choice for homeowners at this point in the hurricane season is a portable generator. These can be purchased at home supply stores, or may be carried by local electricians. It is important to note that once a storm is imminent, most of these generators sell out – so the time to procure them is before people are concerned. Generators can stay in your garage until needed.

If you have a portable generator, you should be sure to have enough fuel to maintain through a power outage. Portable generators also typically have far less capacity than permanently installed generators, so homeowners should be ready to decide just which systems are most critical to support.

When there is a hurricane brewing, there is a rush on water, batteries, and plywood for windows – these items are often difficult to find even a week or two prior to a projected landfall. The same happens with portable generators. Therefore if you are planning on procuring one of these units, the time to start is now.

When the time comes for installing a permanent generator or setting up a portable generator, it is best to enlist the professional services of a master electrician. Not only can they help you to choose the right size generator for your family’s needs, but they can order, install, obtain permits and test the unit for you. Although a portable generator does not require permitting, procuring one from an electrical services company can assure you that you have the assistance you need should anything not be working correctly.

Promise Electric offers a team of professional electricians qualified to install or replace electrical panels, provide wiring for new devices or fixtures, fix malfunctioning switches or outlets and much more. No matter your residential or commercial electrical needs, we are here to support you and keep your property safe. And if you have decided to purchase a portable or permanent generator for your home or business, we are the first call you should make.