Florida storms can swiftly turn a calm evening into a display of nature’s power, and Mother Nature can typically come out on top when it tangles with your electrical system. Power surges, abrupt spikes in electrical voltage, pose a hidden danger to all devices connected to your electrical system, but maybe none more than your home appliances. Beyond the immediate threat of damage, these electrical intrusions risk voiding the warranties of your expensive appliances. Today, let’s look at the potential risks your appliances are facing and what you can do to protect them.

protection from power surges

The Nature and Impact of Power Surges

Power surges are electrical spikes that last for a brief moment and have the capacity to leave a lasting impact on your home’s electrical devices. Power surges are characterized by a significant surge of power, more than the expected electrical input of your outlet and device. The most common causes and risks include lightning strikes, downed power lines, or even the on-and-off cycles of large appliances within your home. Circuits in your home with faulty wiring or too many devices plugged in simultaneously run the risk of making any power surge even more powerful. These surges can inflict considerable damage to the delicate electronics within modern appliances, often resulting in costly repairs or replacements.

Power surge damage extends into the realm of appliance warranties – contracts that seldom cover damage from such electrical incidents. Many homeowners discover too late that their warranty’s fine print excludes coverage for power surge damage. However, even if a power surge did not cause a defect in your appliance, you might still face resistance when using your warranty. The crux of the problem lies in proving the cause of damage, as manufacturers may require evidence that a power surge was not at fault – a challenging task without proper surge protection in place.

Recognizing Warning Signs and Enhancing Protection

Trying to protect every single outlet and circuit in your home might feel like an impossible task. Flickering lights, frequent circuit breaker trips, or appliances that seem to have a mind of their own are all tell-tale signs that your home might be a sitting duck for power surges. While you could focus on upgrades solely to the circuits powering your expensive appliances, you can also opt for protection against surges that cover your entire home.

Whole-house surge protection systems installed by professional electricians offer a robust shield for your home against the unpredictable nature of power surges. These advanced systems are designed to constantly monitor the electricity flowing into your home. When they detect a surge, they immediately spring into action. The system diverts the excess electricity away from your home’s internal network, directing it safely into the ground.

Even though these systems protect your home at the source, you still shouldn’t ignore safety tips elsewhere. An overloaded circuit or faulty wires can still contribute to the degradation of appliance quality, enhance the potential for power surges to damage devices, and increase fire risk. A whole-house surge protection system does a lot of the heavy lifting, but you should still follow best practices.

Let’s not forget, technology evolves, and so should our homes. Regular check-ups and system upgrades by a trusted electrician can help ensure that your circuits and appliances are constantly protected. With the high cost of appliances, it’s worth investing in their protection.

With the proper precautions and a trusted electrician by your side, your home can remain a haven of safety and stability. Contact Promise Electric today to learn how we can help protect your home and appliances from damage.