Smart homes are awesome, and the efficiency that modern electronics have brought to our lives is truly incredible. Still, electrical repairs both old and new are still a common occurrence in the modern home, and at some point – more than ever – you are likely going to need the services of a professional electrician. Electricity is nothing to play around with, and while some common residential electrical repairs seem easy enough to tackle, they can be dangerous. The good news is, having the job done right is typically affordable and can be done quickly.

residential electrical repairs

Top Electrical Repairs for Sarasota Homeowners

As noted, there are some projects which may seem easy. If you are an experienced do-it-yourselfer, you may be able to safely handle electrical wiring. However. attempting even a simple repair if you do not have the proper skills can be dangerous for you – and for your home safety. We highly recommend calling a professional electrician for any of these projects.

    • Panel Repairs. A new electrical service panel is a great idea for most older homes which were built before homeowners used so much electricity. (It is estimated that the average homeowner has 50 devices plugged into outlets at any given time).  A new panel can guarantee a more consistent power supply through the home, and may even address many of the other common problems we have yet to discuss.  Sizing your panel correctly also allows for further expansion of electrical needs in your home.
    • Dead Outlets:  Of course, there may be a simple explanation as to why your electrical outlet is not working  – a tripped fuse or GFI, for example,  However, if the malfunction is due to faulty wiring, you should call a skilled technician to handle the repair.
    • Flickering Lights:  Your lights may flicker for several reasons, such as a loose light bulb or a faulty plug. However, if your lights are flickering and you smell burning – or hear buzzing – you may have a loose or faulty circuit connection. This could pose a fire risk, so shut everything down and call a professional electrician immediately.
    • Wiring Issues:  There are many indicators  that your home may have been wired incorrectly. If you need to use too many extension cords, for instance, or if you hear a low buzzing sound when the lights are on. If an outlet appears to be radiating heat, you should be very cautious, and if an outlet sparks, call for professional electrical assistance right away. You may have faulty wiring within the interior walls, which could pose a serious fire hazard.
    • Overloaded Circuits, Tripped Breakers:  Your circuits are designed to carry a certain amount of power, and if that capacity is reached your circuit may trip. This will cause power to go out in some or all of your home, but rest assured it happened to keep you safe. Still, you should address the need for additional outlets or a new electrical panel if this is a common occurrence.
    • Broken GFCI outlets and breakers. GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets are the outlets with the red reset and test buttons, most commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms.  These areas of the home pose the greatest risk of electrical shock. If the red reset button continually pops, you may have a dangerous circuit that needs attention.

Of all the elements which make up a safe home, electrical wiring is among the most important. The sooner you identify any of the problems above and have them repaired, the safer you and your family will be.

Promise Electric stands by our commitment to superior skill and customer service. Our master electricians are always ready to assist you with these common residential electrical repairs, keeping your home safe and in its best condition. Call today for an inspection or consultation.