If you ever saw the tangled wires behind your walls, you no doubt noticed that there were several colors of wires installed. Each of these wires has a special purpose, and before you start any type of rewiring project it is imperative that you clearly understand the differentiations. The three categories of electrical wires are hot, neutral or ground.

electrical wires

A hot wire carries a live current. The neutral wire creates a live circuit along with the hot wire, and the ground wire is there as a safety feature, in case the hot or neutral wires somehow come in contact with metal parts. Connecting metal parts to the ground wire eradicates shock hazard if there is a short circuit.

Explaining Electrical Wire Colors

When working on a circuit,  understanding the electric wire colors is essential to both have a correctly functioning circuit and to keep you safe from electric shocks and other electrical hazards.

  • Black Electrical Wires: Black wires are utilized in all types of circuits. Their primary purpose is to carry current from the power source to the outlet. Black wires are never used for a ground or neutral wire. You must use extreme caution when handling these wires, as a black wire is hot and should be considered live. These wires are often utilized as a switch leg that transfers power to switches and outlets. They are most commonly found in residential homes and properties.
  • Blue and Yellow Electrical Wires: Blue and yellow wires are most typically found in commercial properties, and are utilized as the live wires are pulled through a conduit channel. These wires carry power but are not found in outlet wiring, rather they are used in more complicated circuits between switches and poles. Yellow wires are typically used to wire ceiling fans and structural lights, while blue wires are generally used for three-or-four-way switches
  • White and Gray Electrical Wires: White and gray wires are neutral, and acts as a connector to the neutral bus bar. (a conductive metal part which attracts and distributes electric current throughout the circuit). White wires are found in residential homes and gray wires in commercial properties. White and gray wires must be paired with other white and gray wires. Note: A white wire marked with black or red tape is functioning as a hot wire and is no longer neutral.
  • Green Electrical Wires: Green wires connect the grounding terminal (outlet) to the ground bus bar (electrical panel). Their purpose is to ground an electrical circuit. These wires only connect to other green wires and perform as a safety, permitting electricity route of escape. They can carry a strong current, be careful.
  • Red Electrical Wires: Red electrical wires are found in a sheathed, multi-conductor cable. These wires are typically utilized for switch wiring and the connection for hardwired smoke detectors. You can connect two red wires together, or you can connect a red wire to a black wire. Red wires are hot.

Of course, most experts recommend that you never touch any electrical wire if you do not have a knowledge of electrical services. So although the above may help you to identify what you are looking at, do not risk electrocution or shock – call a professional. Promise Electric is one of the Sarasota area’s premier residential and commercial electricians, and we are happy to come to your home for a consultation.