When expecting a new baby, there are many measures you can take to baby-proof your home and ensure their safety–especially around electrical components. As your child grows though, they are able to get around most of your baby-proofing attempts. Their natural curiosity may lead them to investigate cords, outlets, or GFCI units. Protect your kids and dispel some of your worry by teaching them about electrical safety from an early age.

electrical safety

Some important lessons to focus on include:

  • Water and electricity do not play nicely together. Teach your children that they should never touch electronics when they are wet or even just damp. Set good examples by always thoroughly drying your hands before touching kitchen electronics, and by avoiding electronics altogether when you’ve just stepped out of the shower or pool. Ensure that all electronics that may be exposed to water are plugged into outlets connected to GFCI units, which sense when shocks occur and automatically remove power to the line.
  • Nothing except plugs go into outlets. Children may be tempted to stick objects into outlet sockets, but this action could have fatal consequences. Inform your kids of the danger of playing with outlets, and take steps to prevent them from messing with them out of curiosity. Tamper-resistant outlets have shutters that close unless a plug is inserted, and plastic outlet covers are useful for younger children who aren’t dextrous enough yet to remove them.
  • Hide or secure electrical plugs so that they cannot be played with. Kids may be tempted to tug or chew on the wires, which can cause serious damage to both. Keep cords out of sight when possible to avoid temptation, and tape them down well when visible. You can also provide alternatives if your child seems intent on pulling wires. There are many fidget toys that can provide the same resistance of pulling a cord or rubberiness of gnawing on a wire without being life-threatening.
  • Teach your kids how to spot dangerous power lines. Lines that touch trees, the ground, or other objects while live are extremely dangerous. Kids are often outside playing alone; knowing how to identify an unsafe electrical component could save many lives.
  • Instill the importance of an adult’s help when using electric appliances like a toaster or microwave. Even phone chargers need to be handled gently to be safe, so seeking help from an adult is the best course of action when electronics are involved.
  • Consistently review how to call for help. These days, calling for help is not as simple as picking up a receiver and dialing. Most parents have PIN locks on their phones, and so the way to access emergency numbers is different. Familiarize yourself with how to access the Emergency Call function on your phone, then teach your children how to do it. Review the process often to ensure they are confident in how to call for help if needed.

While electrical safety is not the most interesting topic in the world for children, it’s extremely important. Come up with safety rules together as a family, and hang your rules in a spot where everyone can see. Take a few minutes each month to review the rules and safety tips so that your kids are knowledgeable and competent with electrical safety.

If you would like to assess your home for electrical safety, call the master electricians at Promise Electric today. We can evaluate your wiring, electrical panels, outlets – and corrct any dangerous situations.