As we move further into fall and toward winter, you may find yourself breaking out your electric space heater when the evenings get cool. They can be lifesavers in a drafty room or an overly air-conditioned office. Unfortunately, space heaters are also notorious for starting fires if not used correctly and safely. To keep yourself and your family safe during the cooler months, follow these tips.

electrical services

  • Before plugging your electric space heater in, thoroughly look over the entire system. This is particularly important to do when you pull it out for the first time this season, as cracks or degradation of the wires and heater may have occurred while it was in storage. If you find any damage, it is best to replace the entire unit or have a certified electrician repair the broken heating or wiring components. Because space heaters pose such a high fire hazard, you should never attempt to repair the unit yourself.
  • Test all of your home’s smoke detectors, and make sure there is a smoke detector in the room where you plan to use the space heater. Replace any that no longer work, and refresh the batteries if need be. The smoke detectors are invaluable when it comes to protecting your home from a space heater fire.
  • Never use a space heater near flammable liquids such as alcohol or gas. Be particularly cautious when using them to heat a garage where you generally store a lot of chemicals.
  • Place your space heater on solid ground. They shouldn’t be put on carpet or an uneven threshold. Keep it out of the way of doors and hallways that are highly trafficked to decrease the chance of the heater burning someone or being knocked over.
  • Clothing and other fabric can catch fire more quickly than you’d imagine. Your space heater should always be placed a minimum of 3 feet away from fabrics and should never be used to dry clothes or towels. When it comes to water fixtures or places where water is located (e.g., a vase or glass of water on a coffee table), the space heater needs to be even further away to prevent electric shock.
  • We’ve described the dangers of plugging high-power items into extension cords and power strips before. When using these additional items, it’s easy to draw too much power from the outlet and cause it to overheat or catch fire.
  • The power cord for your heater should always be uncovered. It’s dangerous to run wires and cords underneath rugs in an attempt to hide them, as this can quickly cause the wires to overheat and melt.
  • Check the cord and plug of the heater while using it for multiple hours. If these elements feel hot to the touch, you may have a defect. You should unplug the heater and call a trusted electrician.
  • Always turn off and unplug your space heater before you leave the room. Unattended space heaters pose a significant fire hazard.

While space heaters can cause fires, so can faulty electrical wiring. If you have old wiring or an antiquated panel and live in the Sarasota area, call Promise Electric today. We can assess your current electrical system and make recommendations on how you can keep your family safe and protected.